General dentistry is the field of dentistry concerned with prevention, diagnosis, restoration and treatment of common dental problems. Aside from your 6-monthly check up and clean, the main treatment performed within the scope of general dentistry is fillings. Find out more about fillings below!

A filling is developed by removing a section or sections of tooth that is decayed or chipped. For decayed teeth, after the decay has been removed, the surrounding tooth acts as a supportive structure for the filling material to be placed on, in order for the section of removed tooth to be restored. The usual material we use for fillings at Taigum Dental Team is composite resin. The composite fillings created by our providers are colour matched to your tooth shade and seamlessly blend in to the natural tooth, making it difficult for the naked eye to see the difference between tooth and filling.
If you think that you are in need of a filling, please contact one of our friendly receptionists on (07) 3254 6018
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